Social Media and IPTV


Since analog television became extinct in 2009 there have been many advances concerning digital television, Internet Protocol Enabled TV (IPTV) and social media.  The combination of these things have created a way of watching television that is completely different than it has ever been in the past.

Something that has been one of the biggest advances is the flexibility that comes with IPTV.  This has enabled people to watch shows “On Demand” at their convenience.  People with certain cable providers have an on demand feature on their televisions while others watch their shows online.  ABC Family and CBS are examples of channels that have their shows available online for people who were not able to watch the show when it came on television live.  A social aspect that websites like these allow is comments on the video.  This allows people to get a social aspect of watching television that they did not have before.  It allows people to interact with each other and share their opinions on the episode, what they did and did not like as well as what they are hoping to see in coming episodes as well as theories on mystery shows etc.

Something else IPTV has made possible is streaming.  This is watching a television show live but online instead of on a television.  What is unique about streaming and what it allows from a social media standpoint is conversation between others watching the show as well.  This creates a social aspect to watching television that was not available before IPTV.  This allows constant conversation between strangers about the show or event that they are streaming.  This has created a whole new way of communicating that would not have been possible without IPTV and the options that people have for watching television shows.

Another way that people connect by watching television and using social media is something called ‘live tweeting’.  This is the process of tweeting your thoughts on a show and what is happening as you are watching it premiere live.  This allows a different kind of interaction between viewers.  Because you are tweeting you are able to put your thoughts into 140 characters and post it and then people have the option of responding to your thought, retweeting it, or favoriting it.

If you miss a television show when it comes on live there is still a chance to connect with others about it through websites like I said before that allow comments on shows but also through social media.  Facebook allows status’ about anything at any time and if you want to share your thoughts on a show, even if it is weeks or months later, you are still able to post about it and get feedback from your friends on what they thought.

IPTV has allowed people to connect in a whole new way and I think it is incredible how people who do not even know each other can connect over television shows and share their thoughts with each other so easily.